Sunday, April 11, 2010

Formula Win

What makes a deck really good? We know that the player can greatly influnce it, but what can make the deck itself good?

1) Synergy- The cards in the deck should complimate each other.. like playing Reinforcement on the army in a non-warrior playing deck would be no synergy. You build the synergy!

2) Consistency- Another one you can build. You can test draw and check how frequently you get great hands, if you don't it means your deck needs some changes or help from the next few things listed.

3) Draw power- alot of the top decks have had some sort of draw power. Tele-dad and lightsworns are two examples of this.

4) Search power- This is the reason why stuff like RODA and Charge are at one. Searching your deck is a pretty big advantage and makes deck's faster. Search power could also be stuff liek mystic tomatoe and goblin zombie, but they are a little slower.

5)Boss monster's- Cards like DAD and JD can win games.

You can look at top decks and see they have a combination of these:

Cat-Search power(hamster searches ryko,tomatoe searches monk), Boss monsters(Cat and DAD)

BW's-Search power(BWW),Boss monster(DAD), Draw power(Allure of darkness)

LS- Search power(Charge and ROTA), Boss monsters(Kristya, JD, Celestia, DAD, Chaos Sorcerer) Draw power (Solar recharge)

Gadgets- Search power(lol the main strength of the deck is gadgets search ability)

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