Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is it just me

Or is Charge of the light brigade and 3 rykos seeing alot of play in decks not LS? I can see why since

1)charge provides a search and speeds decks up.

2)Ryko Is good in a slower format and is versatile since it can choose to destroy anything.

Dimensional Prison is also seeing a decent amount of play for 2 reasons.

1) It is way easier to get now.

2) Removing from play a monster dodges alot of things. It dodges my body as a shield, starlight road, and stardust dragon itself.

Gorz the emissary of Darkness seems to see a little less play with a slower format and less otks going around. I would at least side deck it..

I will see if i can get some decklists up for next time for some analysis on meta choices. pc for now..

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