Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shonen Jump New Jersey Update

This Shonen Jump was full like 2,100ish people. 

Looks Like the Finals is Jeff Jones vs. Renaldo Lainez  in a match up of Doomcal Gadgets vs Quick Draw. 

DoomCaliber Knight's price will see a nice rise in prize.. as if it was already easy to get. Gadgets definatly had to get to the top tables. With smashing at three and all the new tech's in them it was bound to happen. Honestly tho it went way further than I expected.

Quickdraw was insanly popular today with 3 of them in the top 8 I believe. Drill warrior is pretty broke. Also helps how not everyone knows the rulings for it. There was a feature match where someone pointed  a play someone could have done against Drill warrior but the player didn't do it. Not taking anything away from the card just saying.

Over all the top tabels where pretty mixed. You had a little bit of gadgets, Lightsworns, QD,Cat, and Glads. Yaa for a diverese format!

I gotta say I wonder what that dandyLS build is like. It didnt get as far but I heard it did good today. I was wondering when someone would do sometihng like that as LS + Dandy makes pretty good combos.

I hope everyone who went there had fun.

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